Newsletter – 2/20/2025

The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany – 2/23/2025
Sunday’s Readings

Parish Prayer List
Zoe K., Kitty, Richard S., Mimy B., Chris Y., Aida, Susan B., Jim C.,
Samuel, Jake, Jack, Marji, Fr. John Paul, Edith S., Tracy B., Larry L., Nekka S., Judy N., Saul, Janine, Emery, Annemarie, and David Campbell.

If there is someone you would like us to pray for, please let the office know.
Wednesday Evensong & Eucharist celebrates Black saints at a majority of services this February. We commemorate Black saints throughout the year as their feasts occur in the Episcopal Calendar, and the Wednesday night class this month, “African Saints of the Church,” offers more about those whose days fall in other seasons.

Please join us in the main building at 6:30 pm
February 26 for the Eve of George Herbert
and/or in the parish hall for “African Saints of the Church” at 7:30 pm each Wednesday in February.
Loving Your Neighbor
Red Cards
If you know someone and do not know their immigration status it is not appropriate to ask. One way to show support and give actual support is the Red Card. The Immigration Legal Resource Center has developed a Red Card – a Credit Card sized plastic card that gives advice and some wording to use if confronted by ICE or those who purport to be ICE. Good Shepherd has ordered and Mother Elizabeth and I have a number of these cards, if you need one or a few please speak to either of us.  Below is a website with more data on the topic:

Red Cards / Tarjetas Rojas | Immigrant Legal Resource Center | ILRC

If anyone presents themselves as representing ICE or any other organization of that type please call for Father Mike or Mother Elizabeth and do not invite them into any area of the parish not currently open.

Keep saving your Dash’s receipts. They allow us to submit prior year receipts so any old receipts from 2023 are effectively expired going forward. For every $5,000 in receipts we submit, we earn $125.  Even small purchases add up!

Help Ukranian Refugees
Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with Anglican agencies and other ecumenical partners to provide humanitarian aid in response to the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. Donations to the International Disaster Response Fund will help meet critical needs for people fleeing the violence, including food, cash, blankets and hygiene supplies.

Altar Flowers
Altar flowers may be ordered for $100/pair in memoriam, in thanksgiving, or for any other desired occasion. Two or more people can also share the cost of flowers if desired. To order flowers, please send your flower request (colors, flower types) to Elaine Richau at Your dedication for the service leaflet should be sent to Payment should be made through the Sunday collection or mailed to the church. Please reference ‘Altar Flowers’ in the description.

Weekly Schedule

2/23 The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
8:30AM Holy Eucharist Rite II (Spoken)
10:30AM Holy Eucharist Rite II with music

2/25 Tuesday
8AM-12PM Parish Office Open

2/26 Wednesday
10AM-2PM Food Pantry
6:30PM Evening Prayer w/Holy Eucharist
7:30PM Christian Education

2/27 Thursday
8AM-12PM Parish Office Open
7PM Choir Rehearsal

3/2 The Last Sunday after the Epiphany
8:30AM Holy Eucharist Rite II (Spoken)
10:30AM Holy Eucharist Rite II with music
3PM-4PM Pete’s Pet Food Pantry

WNY & NWPA Diocesan Partnership Website
Check for the latest news on our partnership with the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania.

Newsletter Announcements
Announcement requests must be submitted in writing or e-mail to the parish office by Thursday at 7:00am. Thank you. You may contact the office by email or phone (716-833-1151).

Copyright © 2024 Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
96 Jewett Parkway
Buffalo, NY 14214