The Fourth Sunday of Advent – 12/22/2024 Sunday’s Readings (Track 1) Parish Prayer List Zoe K., Kitty, Jen, Richard S., Mimy B., Chris Y., Aida, Susan B., Jim C., Samuel, Jake, Jack, Marji, Fr. John Paul, Edith, and Tracy B. If there is someone you would like us to pray for, please let the office know. ****************************************************************************** Don’t forget to save your Dash’s receipts. Since we started turning in our Dash’s cash register tapes, Good Shepherd has earned $1000. ****************************************************************************** United Thank Offering (UTO) Thank you for your generous donation to Good Shepherd’s Fall Ingathering of the United Thank Offering. We collected $410 for this outreach ministry of The Episcopal Church. Together with the Spring Ingathering of $332.55, we have forwarded a total of $742.55 to UTO to be used for 2025 UTO grants. Every penny of what we collect goes to fund grants. Again, thank you for your prayers, generosity, and support of this outreach ministry for The Episcopal Church. Dottie Aikman UTO Coordinator ****************************************************************************** Christmas Flowers Love the look of our beautiful church all ‘decked out’ for Christmas? Wreaths, poinsettias and altar flowers are possible because of contributions from our parishioners. If you’d like to contribute any amount to the Christmas flowers, ‘In Memory of’, ‘in Thanksgiving for’, etc. please note that with your contribution. ****************************************************************************** Save the Date! Good Shepherd will again be hosting the ConnectLife Bloodmobile on Monday, January 7th from 3-7 pm. The need for lifesaving blood donations never stops. Can’t donate? Please spread the word among friends and family. Stay tuned for sign-up information coming in January. ****************************************************************************** Help Ukranian Refugees Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with Anglican agencies and other ecumenical partners to provide humanitarian aid in response to the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. Donations to the International Disaster Response Fund will help meet critical needs for people fleeing the violence, including food, cash, blankets and hygiene supplies. Altar Flowers Altar flowers may be ordered for $100/pair in memoriam, in thanksgiving, or for any other desired occasion. Two or more people can also share the cost of flowers if desired. To order flowers, please send your flower request (colors, flower types) to Elaine Richau at Your dedication for the service leaflet should be sent to Payment should be made through the Sunday collection or mailed to the church. Please reference ‘Altar Flowers’ in the description. ***************************************************************************** |
Weekly Schedule 12/22 The Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:30AM Holy Eucharist Rite II (Spoken) 10:30AM Holy Eucharist Rite II with music 12/24 Tuesday 4:30PM Christmas Eve w/choir 9:00PM Christmas Eve w/music 12/25 Wednesday 9:30AM Christmas Day 12/29 First Sunday after Christmas Day 8:30AM Holy Eucharist Rite II (Spoken) 10:30AM Holy Eucharist Rite II with music *************************************************************************** WNY & NWPA Diocesan Partnership Website Check for the latest news on our partnership with the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania. Newsletter Announcements Announcement requests must be submitted in writing or e-mail to the parish office by Thursday at 7:00am. Thank you. You may contact the office by email or phone (716-833-1151). Copyright © 2024 Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: 96 Jewett Parkway Buffalo, NY 14214 |